Tuesday, November 26, 2019
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Friday, November 22, 2019
Documentación para entrevista de visa americana
Documentacià ³n para entrevista de visa americana Los documentos que se llevan a la entrevista al consulado americano pueden ser muy importantes para ayudar al oficial consular a decidir si aprueba o niega la visa. Adems, la documentacià ³n es fundamental a la hora de luchar contra una decisià ³n de negacià ³n de visa que se considera es errà ³nea. Por lo tanto, si ests en el proceso de solicitar una visa de no inmigrante por primera vez o intentas obtener una aprobacià ³n despuà ©s de un rechazo de una peticià ³n anterior, te conviene informarte sobre quà © documentos llevar a la entrevista en la embajada americana. Tanto los obligatorios como los recomendados. En este artà culo puedes informarte sobre cules son las razones ms comunes para de que nieguen una visa no inmigrante, como por ejemplo, la de turista, estudiante, trabajo o intercambio. Esto es importante porque hay que saber con anterioridad dà ³nde pueden estar los problemas y presentar documentacià ³n para mostrar evidencia que ayude a subsanarlos. Adems, segà ºn el paà s en el que se aplica, quà © documentos llevar, cules son los tres tipos de contestaciones que puede dar el oficial consular y quà © hacer si la visa es denegada. Recordar que la entrevista para todas las visas no inmigrantes se solicita como parte del trmite de la visa que se pide al llenar el formulario DS-160, que marca el inicio del mismo.  ¿Van a aprobar mi solicitud de visa americana no inmigrante? Esa es la pregunta que muchos solicitantes se hacen. pero no hay una respuesta que se pueda dar con absoluta certeza. Cada caso es un mundo con peculiaridades propias ya que ninguna persona es igual a otra. Lo que sà se sabe es que en algunos paà ses los porcentajes de negacià ³n de las visas son ms altos que en otros. Sin embargo, esto no debe de tomarse como una invitacià ³n a solicitar visas en consulados americanos distintos a los del paà s en el que se reside habitualmente, ya que para esto existen reglas especiales y, adems, puede no ser conveniente. Adems, existen situaciones que complican la peticià ³n de visa no inmigrante. Por ejemplo, cuando se est esperando por una visa inmigrante, es decir, por una tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card. Las estadà sticas nos dicen como son las cosas y nos sirven para estar informados sobre quà © esperar. El gobierno de los Estados Unidos publica cada aà ±o fiscal cuntas visas se solicitan y cuntas son negadas. Adems, en cuntos casos se obtuvo finalmente una aprobacià ³n, a pesar de haber sido negada en un principio. En el 2017, el à ºltimo sobre el que hay datos, las embajadas y consulados de Estados Unidos aprobaron en todo el mundo un total de 9.681.913 visas no inmigrantes. Adems, no aprobaron un total de 3.516.581. Las causas principales de negacià ³n de la visa fueron, por el siguiente orden, las siguientes: En primer lugar, el solicitante no prueba suficientemente que no tiene intencià ³n de quedarse en Estados Unidos. Es la causa que se conoce como 214(b). En el FY2017, un total de 2.624.543 visas no inmigrantes fueron rechazadas por esta causa. En segundo lugar, la aplicacià ³n no cumple con los requisitos que exige la ley que se conoce como INA. Las causas ms frecuentes son la falta de documentos o informacià ³n o la necesidad de que otra agencia del gobierno revise la solicitud. En FY2017, un total de 811.238 solicitudes fueron rechazados por esta causa, que se conoce tà ©cnicamente como 221(g). En tercer lugar, por mentir para obtener un beneficio, por escrito o hablando, en lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como misrepresentation y tà ©cnicamente como la causa 212(a)(6)(C)(i). En el à ºltimo aà ±o fiscal, 18.114 visas no inmigrantes fueron rechazadas por esta causa. En cuarto lugar, haber estado previamente de forma ilegal en Estados Unidos por ms de 365 dà as un total de 15.924 personas vieron sus peticiones de visa rechazadas.. Es la causa de negacià ³n de visa que se conoce como 212(a)(9)(B)(i)(II). En este punto hay que tener en cuenta que aplica el castigo de los tres y de los diez aà ±os. Y en quinto lugar, haber permanecido en Estados Unidos despuà ©s de haber cometido una violacià ³n migratoria. Esta causa, que se conoce como 212(a)(9)(c), afectà ³ a 9.551 solicitantes. Es muy importante tener en cuenta que durante ese mismo periodo de tiempo, un total de 744.003 solicitudes que en un principio fueron negadas fueron finalmente aprobadas porque se puedo demostrar con evidencias documentales que no aplicaba la causa de negacià ³n o porque puedo solicitar un waiver, tambià ©n conocido como perdà ³n, y à ©ste fue aprobado. Por lo tanto es evidente la importancia de la documentacià ³n para obtener la aprobacià ³n de la visa y, en el caso de ser negada, poder probar que la negacià ³n no corresponde. Documentos obligatorios para llevar a la entrevista para la visa americana Alguna papelerà a es comà ºn a todo tipo de visas no inmigrantes, por ejemplo: 1. Hoja de confirmacià ³n de la cita. 2. Pasaporte vlido y en buen estado. La fecha de expiracià ³n no puede ser inmediata. Las embajadas americanas imponen diferentes reglas a cada paà s en cuanto a quà © pasaporte esa vlido. Por favor verificar particularmente en aquellos paà ses en los que en los à ºltimos aà ±os ha habido cambios de modelos de pasaporte o existen diferentes modelos vlidos al mismo tiempo. Tambià ©n ver las reglas segà ºn el documento tenga incorporado chip o no. 3. Prueba de haber pagado el arancel o cuota de la visa. Hay que saber que este dinero nunca se recupera. Ni en los casos en los que la visa es rechazada ni cuando el solicitante cambia de idea y decide no ir a la entrevista porque ya no le interesa viajar a los Estados Unidos. Adems, en algunos paà ses, como en el caso de Mà ©xico, es necesario acudir a un Centro de Atencià ³n antes de la entrevista por tema de las fotos y las huellas digitales. Pero cada paà s sigue sus propias reglas. Pero adems hay que seguir las reglas especà ficas de cada visa. Esto es asà para casos como las de estudiante, intercambio, trabajo temporero, etc. Dos clases de problemas que pueden dar lugar al rechazo de la peticià ³n de visa Llegados a este punto hay que diferenciar entre dos posibles situaciones. Primero, si lo que se quiere es probar que no hay razones para negar la visa por ser inelegible. Y el segundo, cuando hay un problema que convierte al solicitante en inadmisible y desea pedir un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso. En otras palabras, la visa no inmigrante puede ser denegada porque se considera a una persona extranjera como inelegible para el visado que solicita o por ser inadmisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos. Documentos para que el oficial consular no considere al solicitante como inelegible Aunque hay varias causas, la ms comà ºn por la que se niega una visa no inmigrante como la de turista o la de estudiante es porque el cà ³nsul tiene sospechas de que el solicitante se puede quedar en Estados Unidos ms tiempo del permitido. En este punto es muy importante entender que dentro de las visas no inmigrantes hay dos que son consideradas de doble intencià ³n, las L y las H-1B. Esto quiere decir las personas con este tipo de visados pueden buscar activamente la green card en Estados Unidos. En otras palabras, no es importante para ellos probar que su intencià ³n no es quedarse en USA. Pero para el resto de las visas no inmigrantes, como la de turista, estudiante, intercambio y otras de trabajo temporal la causa ms comà ºn por la que no son aprobadas es precisamente porque el solicitante no es capaz convencer al oficial consular que su intencià ³n no es emigrar a Estados Unidos. En otras palabras, debe probar lazos familiares y/o fuertes en su paà s de residencia. Para eso se utilizan documentos adicionales, por ejemplo: Certificado o partida de nacimiento, original o copia certificada.Certificados de matrimonio, divorcio, relaciones de hecho, viudedad.Libros de familia en el que consten los hijos.Prueba de empleo, de ser propietario o socio de una empresa.Documento que acredite el estatus de estudiante.Cuentas bancarias tipo corriente y de ahorro con extractos que demuestren los movimientos en los à ºltimos seis meses.Inversiones, ahorros, propiedades de todo tipo.Hipotecas o contratos de arrendamiento de vivienda.Pensiones o rentas. Y adems cualquier otra documentacià ³n que el solicitante crea que puede ayudarle a probar al oficial consular que su intencià ³n no es quedarse en Estados Unidos. No obstante, tener en cuenta que la persona de la oficina consular que lleva a cabo la entrevista no est obligada a examinar la documentacià ³n presentada. Es muy recomendable llevarla ordenada. Adems, para el caso concreto de solicitud de una visa de turista, paseo o placer puede ser conveniente contar con una carta de invitacià ³n redactada por un ciudadano americano, un residente permanente legal u otra persona que se encuentre legalmente en Estados Unidos. Pero no es necesario. Consecuencias de mentir o presentar documentos falsos en la solicitud de visa Como se ha indicado previamente en este artà culo, la tercera causa ms comà ºn por la que se deniega una peticià ³n de visa no inmigrante es por mentir o presentar documentos falsos lo que, tà ©cnicamente, es un fraude de ley. Pueden darse mà ºltiples casos, como presentar documentos falsos de identidad, propiedades, trabajo o estudios acadà ©micos. Pero el fraude de ley incluye situaciones en la que se falta a la verdad en las contestaciones de que dan en el formulario de solicitud de visa, por ejemplo, asegurando que no se tiene familiares que son ciudadanos americanos cuando lo cierto es que sà se tienen. Una vez que las autoridades consulares o las de control migratorio se dan cuenta de que existe o puede existir un fraude de ley las consecuencias son inmediatas y graves. Por ejemplo, automticamente deniegan la peticià ³n de visa o, si à ©sta ya sido ya aprobada, la cancelan. Aunque en casos muy concretos es posible levantar el castigo despuà ©s de haber cometido un fraude de ley mediante la peticià ³n de un waiver y, asà , obtener una visa, lo cierto es que es uno de los perdones ms difà ciles de obtener. Quà © sucede despuà ©s de la entrevista en el consulado Pueden darse tres situaciones: 1. La visa es aprobada. En este caso el pasaporte debidamente estampado se recibir a los pocos dà as. Si este es el caso, los turistas deben tener especial cuidado y evitar estos 8 errores que pueden provocar que le cancelen la visa. 2. La visa entra en fase de procedimiento administrativo. No ha sido aprobada pero tampoco rechazada. Es lo que conoce como 221g. 3. La visa es denegada. Si una visa de turista o de estudiante, etc es negada porque no se ha podido demostrar lazos fuertes con el paà s de residencia, antes de pedirla de nuevo es conveniente realizar cambios que puedan convencer al consulado para aprobar una nueva solicitud. Si todo sigue igual, la respuesta va a ser la misma. Es decir: no. Por el contrario, si las razones para la negacià ³n fueron otras causas, es aconsejable consultar con un abogado para estudiar si procede solicitar un waiver, tambià ©n conocido como perdà ³n o permiso especial. Si se solicita un waiver, es importante contar con el asesoramiento de un abogado migratorio con experiencia en este tipo de casos ya que son complejos y conviene saber diferenciar entre todos los posibles perdones y cà ³mo argumentar y apoyar con documentacià ³n la peticià ³n de dicho waiver. Infà ³rmate con este test de respuestas mà ºltiples Toma este quiz, trivial o test sobre visas para asegurarte de que sabes lo fundamental para obtener y conservar el visado. Este artà culo no debe considerarse como asesorà a legal. Tiene simplemente un carcter informativo.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Book summary and critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Book summary and critique - Essay Example Details of his courageous battle and determination to defeat cancer, despite being the tremendous odds of survival, were narrated in a matter-of-factly form. His commitment to his craft was his ultimate concern right after being diagnosed with cancer – even more than the possibility of untimely demise. Armstrong acknowledged the disease as an eye-opening opportunity to remunerate of his life, as he indicated â€Å"my illness was humbly and starkly revealing, and it forced me to survey my life with an unforgiving eye†(Armstrong & Jenkins, 4). The exceptional determination to win encouraged him to strive beyond expectations and enabled Armstrong to catapult to fame from winning the Tour de France in seven consecutive years from 1999 to 2005, despite the rigors of the dreaded disease. His inspirational experience provided the impetus for the establishment of a foundation, the Lance Armstrong foundation, with the mission of improving the lives of people who have been drast ically affected by cancer. Critique The book was inspirational for readers from all walks of life.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
How do stock price volatility affect monetary policy Essay - 1
How do stock price volatility affect monetary policy - Essay Example Therefore they have an effect on interest rates, inflation rates and money supply. These variables are controlled by monetary policy made by the central banks of countries or federal reserves and the policy determination is therefore depended on the stock prices. This paper discusses how the movements in stock prices affect determination of monetary policy. Monetary policy is the process by which the central bank or a federal reserve regulates the money supply and interest rates in order to achieve a major economic goal. On the other hand the stock market is considered as the country’s economic strength and development since it’s a non-physical facility of economic transactions. In any particular country, the economy strongly reacts to stock prices movement and in most cases economic recession is preceded by crash in stock markets. There is a very important relationship between the central banks of countries and stock markets. This makes the monetary authorities to make monetary decisions and policies by closely monitoring the stock market volatility. This ensures the authorities maintain a macroeconomic balance. According to Rigobon and sack 2001, volatility of stock prices significantly impact macroeconomics hence an important factor in determining the monetary policy. As mentioned earlier, this paper discusses the how stock price volatility affects monetary policy. This is addressed by using simple models of data from the international monetary fund in the quarterly series as at December 2010. The data used in the research is UK data ranging from 1990 first quarter to 2010 fourth quarter. The variables contained in this data set are the real UK GDP (RGDP), the consumer price index (CPI) and the interest rates set by the Bank of England The international monetary fund has 188 member countries. These countries work to foster global monetary cooperation, financial stability security, reduce poverty around the world, and promote sustainable
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Contemporary Politics and Economics in Mexico Essay Example for Free
Contemporary Politics and Economics in Mexico Essay Over the course of Mexican history, the governmental and economic state of Mexico has been largely unstable. The nation was marked by dictatorial shifts in party-list (and their candidates) and their constant bickering with each other; the deformed presidency, the elite and the political group controlled the economic fervor with constant insurgencies from the lower classes; the shift of the informal traditional ‘relatively’ closed market system to an international open trading system as a form of ‘globalization’; and finally, the drastic environmental events, like the 1985 earthquake which had shaken up the nation. In the following paper, there is an attempt to elucidate the static forces that govern the Mexican politics and economics from 1980s to the contemporary times. Mexican politics was largely determined by the ‘evolution’ of the ruling party Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), their gradual shifts or hold in power from a hegemonic- (1929 to 1979), bipartisan- (1979 to 1985) and finally, the pluripartisan stage (1988-2000). The bipartisan stage marked the initial infiltration of the opposing party Partido Accion Nacional (PAN) and the strong comptetion between the PRI, PAN and the PRD (Partido de la Revolucion Democratica during the pluripartic years. PRI had a hold on presidential seat for 71 years until it was put to a stop in the 2000 elections. The presidential monarchy from 1970 to 1982 coincided with a period of shared development in political organization with the emergence of the bourgeoisie in governmental positions and puts an end to the ‘sustained’ economy that Mexico originally enjoyed under the Echeverria . To combat the economic crisis and peso devaluation, the State attempted to intervene with the entrepreneurial activities, thus sparking State-Entrepeneur dissent; the private businesses erected Entrepreneurial Coordinating Council (ECC) institutions as a protective mechanism. Portillo delivered his counterattack by nationalizing bank systems and increasing the interest rates. Mexico experienced general economic quagmire  inflation, external inequity, currency devaluation, peso flight, mounting unemployment and low purchasing power  in 1976, 1982, 1987 [ e. g. 59 % inflation] and 1994-95 with middle periods of mild economic recuperation. The September 19 1985 earthquake, which killed approximately 6,500 to 30,000 individuals, aggravated the economic crisis. The 80s were dominated by neoliberal (semi-democratized state implementing free election rule) over the freemarket system, as a result of mounting external debts and the ‘Washington Consensus’. The freemarket system/informal market system originally dominated by local ‘street market vendor’ types, became an open humdrum to international financial organizations like the World Bank to ‘negotiate’ for the debts. The State Restructuring generally involved administration modernization, openness of the national market/participation with free trade with the State neighbors (e. g. 1986 General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs), privatization of public enterprises, and introduction of radical social and political reforms to the relatively ‘traditional’ State. The ‘Restructuring’ debilitated the State with most of the reforms resulting to dispersed control in politics, loss of ethics in politicians and political institutions, and mounting economic problems. The Neoliberal State, 1982-2000, demonstrated a stunningly low GIP per head of 0. 3 %. With income distribution becoming more unequal. The year 1994 marked the participation of State to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Inequality in income and devaluation of the market price coupled with the global inflation of prices created insurgencies from the lower classes and the emergence of anti-political groups like the Zapatista Army of National Liberation from the State of Chiapaz. The peso devaluation, increased exchange rate volatility and meltdown of stocks will persist up to the current state of economic affairs. This was naturally fueled by distrust of external investors to the weak form of governance. Federal Electoral Institute, mediated by ordinary citizens was erected in the early 90s to ensure that elections are ‘clean’ compared to PRI unfair appointing of offices in the past. Quesada won the 2000 election due to the insurgency and popular voting but have few votes from the Congress. It was the former President Zedillo who officiated the electoral results thus stunting the chance of PRI to question the results. The administration of Fox signed up with the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America with the hope of modernizing the reforms and the pre-existing labor laws, opening investments in the energy sector, and improving the infrastructure. The 1994 NAFTA agreement’ beneficial effects were apparently not agreed upon by participants. Whereas the US reiterates that there is ‘speeding up’ of the economic activity of the free market system of Mexico as indicated by the thrillion dollar class, the quick economic growth did not improved the standards of living of the lower and middle class. Calderon, the current president of the Mexico and also a PAN member, experienced many oppositions from the PRD; the attacks were on post-electoral and on ‘Banobras-borrowing’. Calderon attempted to reduce the economic crisis of the country by producing reforms like Tortilla Price Stabilization Pact, salary caps, security policy and first employment program. The current presidents waged an active advocacy against drugs. The contemporary politics and economic changes in Mexico are centered on neo-liberalism with opening of the State to globalized free trade. The drastic results of the State restructuring persisted up to now and the reforms enacted by the current government will hopefully resolved the problems.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Malaria and DDT Essay -- Health Biology Essays
Malaria and DDT Malaria has been a huge problem among many developing nations over the past century. The amount of people in the entire world that die from malaria each year is between 700,000 and 2.7 million. 75% of these deaths are African children (Med. Letter on CDC & FDA, 2001). 90% of the malaria cases in the world are located in Sub-Saharan Africa. Once again, the majority of these deaths are of children (Randerson, 2002). The numbers speak for themselves. Malaria is a huge problem and needs to be dealt with immediately. There have been many attempts at preventing malaria, none of which have been very successful. These have usually involved protecting human beings from mosquitoes, the dreaded carriers of the disease, by eliminating their breeding places. Attempts have been made at destroying larvae as they grow in the water, but none have managed to stop the onslaught of malaria. Recently (before 1999), in some locations, certain drug-resistant strains of malaria such as P. falciparum have arisen. The P. falciparum strain is considered the most lethal form of malaria and can cause neurological damage (Poser, 1999). This presence of strains of malaria that do not respond to conventional drug-treatment poses a new problem for malaria control. The hope is that a malaria vaccine can be developed. However, development of such a vaccine is far off. One possible developer of such a vaccine, Henri Vial of the Montpellier University II in France, has developed a drug that kills the malaria parasite by preventing it from replicating in the red blood cells. However, this drug, called G25, has only been tested on laboratory monkeys and still needs to undergo further testing. It is estimate... ...s way into the water where it is absorbed by fish and marine animals. The substance is stored in the fatty tissues of the animal where it stays until it is needed, like during a sickness or when one is deprived of food. This can cause the immune system of an animal to respond to disease with less efficiency. Fish such as carp have shown significant immune-system suppression and high levels of pesticide-induced toxicity (Repetto, Baliga, 1996). If birds feed upon these aquatic animals, then they too will pick up the chemical. The thinning of egg-shells and therefore a decrease in successful births has been linked with exposure to pesticides such as DDT. However, these studies have been done in the field and therefore the results are uncertain and inaccurate. It is difficult to tell the extent of the chemical’s effect on the biological system (Repetto, Baliga, 1996).
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Yogurt Fermentation
Yogurt Fermentation Yogurt is made by lactic acid fermentation. The main (starter) cultures in yogurt are Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. The function of the starter cultures is to ferment lactose (milk sugar) to produce lactic acid. The increase in lactic acid decreases pH and causes the milk to clot, or form the soft gel that is characteristic of yogurt. The fermentation of lactose also produces the flavor compounds that are characteristic of yogurt. Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus are the only 2 cultures required by law (CFR) to be present in yogurt.Other bacterial cultures, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus subsp. casei, and Bifido-bacteria may be added to yogurt as probiotic cultures. Probiotic cultures benefit human health by improving lactose digestion, gastrointestinal function, and stimulating the immune system. Lactic acid fermentation is the simplest type of fermentation. Basically, it is a redox reaction. In anaerobic conditions, the cell’s primary mechanism of ATP production is glycolysis. Glycolysis reduces – that is, transfers electrons to – NAD+, forming NADH.However, there is only a limited supply of NAD+ available in a cell. For glycolysis to continue, NADH must be oxidized – that is, have electrons taken away – to regenerate the NAD+. This is usually done through an electron transport chain in a process called oxidative phosphorylation. However, this mechanism is not available without oxygen. Instead, the NADH donates its extra electrons to the pyruvate molecules formed during glycolysis. Since the NADH has lost electrons, NAD+ regenerates and is again available for glycolysis.Lactic acid, for which this process is named, is formed by the reduction of pyruvate. The total fermentation process to make yogurt is fairly simply. The milk mixture is pasteurized at 185 °F (85 °C) for 30 minutes or at 203 °F (95 °C) for 10 minutes. A high heat t reatment is used to denature the whey (serum) proteins. This allows the proteins to form a more stable gel, which prevents separation of the water during storage. The high heat treatment also further reduces the number of spoilage organisms in the milk to provide a better environment for the starter cultures to grow.Yogurt is pasteurized before the starter cultures are added to ensure that the cultures remain active in the yogurt after fermentation to act as probiotics; if the yogurt is pasteurized after fermentation the cultures will be inactivated. Next, the blend is homogenized (2000 to 2500 psi) to mix all ingredients thoroughly and improve yogurt consistency. Then, the milk is cooled to 108 °F (42 °C) to bring the yogurt to the ideal growth temperature for the starter culture. Following this, the starter cultures are mixed into the cooled milk.Next, the milk is held at 108 °F (42 °C) until a pH 4. 5 is reached. This allows the fermentation to progress to form a soft gel and the characteristic flavor of yogurt. This process can take several hours. The yogurt is then cooled to 7 °C to stop the fermentation process. Fruit and flavors are added at different steps depending on the type of yogurt. Finally, the yogurt is pumped from the fermentation vat and packaged as desired. Primary Source: â€Å"Yogurt Production. †Milk Facts. Cornell University, n. d. Web. 8 Oct 2012.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Development of intelligence test performance Essay
Intelligence can be defined in several ways, ranging from broader definitions such as the ability to cope with life, to more specific definitions such as skill in problem-solving and reasoning. Intelligence tests are implemented by psychologists in order to assess such skills, and a quantitative measure of this intelligence is usually presented in the form of an IQ (intelligence quotient). IQ scores are the basis of much research into the development of intelligence test performance. One cultural factor which may have an affect on a child’s measured intelligence is mother love; attachments may play a part in children’s cognitive development. This hypothesis can be tested by studying children who have been separated from an attachment object (i.e. a parent), and Skeels & Dye found evidence to suggest that the formation of an attachment improves intelligence test performance. In their study, 13 of the most mentally retarded infants in an orphanage were moved to an institution for mentally retarded women, where they would form an attachment with a mildly retarded woman. Over the next four years, those who had moved had an average IQ gain of 32 points, compared with an average reduction of 21 IQ points for those who remained in the orphanage; this difference was still evident 27 years later. This study can be commended for its implications: at the time the accepted view was that IQ was constant throughout life, but the study showed that, with the right treatment, IQ can be significantly improved. Another factor in IQ development is quality of education. Schweinhart et al.’s Perry Preschool Project provides evidence for this; compared to children given no pre-school education, those who had been given quality pre-school education appeared not only to have improved IQs later in life, but they were also less likely to commit crime and drop out of high school. This finding is duplicated by Operation Headstart, which provided children from disadvantaged homes with pre-school programs. There was an average IQ gain of 10 points in the first year and, although the IQ scores returned to average levels, subsequent progress such as high school graduation was higher in those who had taken part in the project. This indicates that an increased quality of education may lead to an increase in IQ. Another cultural factor that may influence the development of measured intelligence is a child’s home environment. Bradley et al. Identified six factors, including parental involvement and the provision of play materials, which were significant in a child’s development of intelligence, and called it the HOME inventory. If the HOME score of a child was low, a child’s IQ may have declined between 10 and 20 points between the ages 1 and 3, whereas the opposite was true for those with high HOME inventory scores. This theory would be supported by Piaget and Vygotsky, the theories of both of whom suggest that the provision of age-appropriate play materials are likely to improve cognitive development. In addition, Vygotsky emphasises the role of culture in cognitive development, which is very much in line with the HOME inventory study. It may even be that diet is a cultural factor which has an influence on a child’s development of intelligence. In a study by Schà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½nthaler & Bier, children who had been given vitamin-mineral supplements performed better on a non-verbal IQ test than those who had been given a placebo. This supports the idea that diet has an influence on intelligence, but it it not necessarily the case that supplements improve IQ; the researchers suggested that it was a poor diet that diminished IQ, and the improved diet restored the cognitive abilities of the children who previously had a poor diet. The idea that it is environmental cultural factors, rather than race and genetic cultural factors, that have an effect on a child’s intelligence test performance is supported by Scarr& Weinberg, who found that both white and black children, when adopted by middle-class white families, performed better on IQ tests at age 7 than the average for their respective ethnic groups. They attributed this improvement to growing up in a culture of tests and schools, and exposure to better healthcare and socialisation. However, in a follow-up study ten years later, it was found that the black children’s IQs were not notably higher than the average for their group, indicating that an upbringing in a white, middle-class home had little or no influence on their intelligence. However, this does not necessarily indicate that it is a genetic cause, since skin colour and intelligence are believed to have very different genetic structures. It may be in indirect genetic influence, in that black children raised in a white home have lower self-expectation, or that they socialise with other black children at school (which may have more of an influence than their white, middle-class home). IQ tests have, however, been heavily criticised for lacking reliability, as an IQ result from one test can vary dramatically with an IQ result from another. Additionally, they have been criticised for being culturally biased; there are many different types of thought (e.g. language, problem-solving, pattern recognition, reasoning), and some types of thought are more valued in some cultures than in others. This may extend to sub-cultural differences between people of different socioeconomic status. For example, it has often been found that black American children perform less well on IQ tests than white children, however, Serpell (1979) found that white children performed significantly less well than black children on an IQ test aimed at black Americans. This brings into question the use of IQ tests as a valid method of measuring intelligence.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
100 Whimsical Words
100 Whimsical Words 100 Whimsical Words 100 Whimsical Words By Mark Nichol The English language can be maddening to native speakers and learners alike, but is also delightfully rich, especially for those who seek to convey a lighthearted tone in their writing. Here are 100 words it’s difficult to employ without smiling. Though their meanings may be obscure, they each present a challenge I mean an opportunity for you to paint a vivid word picture. Imbue your musings with mirth by incorporating these terms: absquatulate: to flee, abscond abstemious: restrained in consumption of food and alcohol balderdash: nonsense ballyhoo: commotion, hype bindle stiff: hobo bodacious: remarkable, voluptuous borborygmus: sound of intestinal gas cahoots (in the expression â€Å"in cahoots with†): scheming callipygian: possessing a shapely derriere cantankerous: irritating, difficult carbuncle: pustule caterwaul: to wail or protest noisily cattywampus: in disarray cockamamie (also cockamamie): ridiculous comeuppance: just deserts concupiscent: possessed of erotic desire copacetic (also copasetic, copesetic): satisfactory curmudgeon: ill-tempered (and often old) person debauchery: sensual gratification doohickey: gadget or attachment effluvium: unpleasant smell factotum: all-around servant or attendant farrago: confused mixture festoon: to decorate; dangling decorative chains finagle: to trick fisticuffs: fighting with fists flabbergasted: dumbfounded flagitious: villainous flibbertigibbet: flighty person flummoxed: confused foible: fault folderol: nonsense foofaraw: flash, frills fusty: moldy, musty, old-fashioned gallimaufry: mixture, jumble gallivant: to jaunt or carouse gobbledygook: nonsense, indecipherable writing haberdasher: men’s clothier; provider of sundries harridan: shrewish woman higgledy-piggledy: in a disorganized or confused manner high jinks (also hijinks): boisterous antics hodgepodge: mixture, jumble hokum: nonsense hoodwink: to deceive hoosegow: jail hornswoggle: to dupe or hoax hortatory: advisory hullabaloo: uproar ignoramus: dunce imbroglio: confused predicament jackanapes: impudent or mischievous person jiggery-pokery: deceit kerfuffle: disturbance lackadaisical: bereft of energy or enthusiasm loggerheads (in the expression â€Å"at loggerheads†): quarrelsome lollygag: to meander, delay loquacious: talkative louche: disreputable lugubrious: mournful, dismal malarkey (also malarky): nonsense maleficence: evil mendacious: deceptive oaf: clumsy or stupid person obfuscate: confuse, obscure obloquy: condemning or abusive language, or the state of being subject to such obsequious: flattering orotund: sonorous, or pompous osculate: to kiss paroxysm: convulsion or outburst peccadillo: minor offense periwinkle: light purplish blue; creeping plant; aquatic snail perspicacious: astute pettifogger: quibbler; disreputable lawyer poltroon: cowardly, coward prognosticate: to predict pusillanimous: cowardly raffish: vulgar ragamuffin: dirty, disheveled person rambunctious: unruly resplendent: brilliantly glowing ribaldry: crude or coarse behavior rigmarole (also rigamarole): confused talk; complicated procedure ruckus: disturbance scalawag: scamp scofflaw: lawbreaker shenanigans: tricks or mischief skedaddle: flee skulduggery: devious behavior spiffy: stylish squelch: to suppress or silence; act of silencing; sucking sound subterfuge: deception, or deceptive ploy supercilious: haughty swashbuckler: cocky adventurer; story about the same sylph: lithe woman tatterdemalion: raggedly dressed person; looking disreputable or decayed termagant: shrewish woman whirligig: whirling toy; merry-go-round; dizzying course of events widdershins (also withershins): counterclockwise, contrary willy-nilly: by force, haphazardly Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comparative Forms of Adjectives75 Idioms and Expressions That Include â€Å"Break†Captain vs. Master
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
7 Movie-Title Mistakes
7 Movie-Title Mistakes 7 Movie-Title Mistakes 7 Movie-Title Mistakes By Mark Nichol One does not rely on the entertainment industry to model proper grammar and punctuation, but is it too much to expect that movie titles make grammatical sense? Evidently, it is; filmmakers and film studio marketing staff have more important things to do than ensure that titles correctly use hyphens and apostrophes, appropriately employ punctuation marks, and form verbs properly, as these movie posters demonstrate. An early poster for The 40-Year-Old Virgin omitted the first hyphen, resulting in a title that didn’t make sense. If it were plural, it could refer to twoscore twelve-month-old babies, but that’s rather complicated. Fortunately, later versions were corrected, and moviegoers were left with a comforting correlation between a photograph of Steve Carell’s dorky-looking title character and a that-figures movie title. The title of the horror-comedy Eight Legged Freaks appears to refer to an octet of people who may be otherwise abnormal but are equipped with legs. However, as an epithet for unusually large and aggressive spiders (apparently based on an ad lib from the star of the film, which originally bore the title Arac Attack), it should read Eight-Legged Freaks; the words eight and legged must outside of Hollywood, that is be hyphenated to signal that they combine as a single term modifying freaks. Shrink, shrank, shrunk. Shrink, shrank, shrunk. I always have to look that kind of stuff up a strategy the makers of this film could have easily employed to produce a grammatically correct title. Depending on where Rick Moranis’s character is in the child-miniaturizing process at the pertinent time, the title should be Honey, I Will Shrink the Kids, Honey, I Shrank the Kids, or Honey, I Have Shrunk the Kids. This man belongs to the ladies. He is in their possession. Ladies claim ownership of this man. He is a ladies’ man. Ladies, is this your man? A citizen who abides by the law is a law-abiding citizen; law and abiding are connected by a hyphen to show that together, they describe the particular type of citizen ostensibly featured in this film (in reality, the protagonist is a law-flouting citizen but that’s Hollywood for you). The lack of a hyphen is excusable in display type on a movie poster or in the film’s credits, but when it is omitted on promotional materials as well, the producers are not law-abiding filmmakers. When you plan to resign from a job, it’s customary to give notice two weeks in advance of your planned departure date. You give a notice of two weeks. The two weeks â€Å"belong†to the notice, so it’s â€Å"two weeks’ notice†(or â€Å"a two-week notice,†though the other form is much more common). This title is a question. The source material for the film is a novel titled Who Censored Roger Rabbit? So, why does the movie title not include a question mark? Some sources claim that filmmakers have a superstition that titles so adorned do poorly at the box office. Tell that to What’s Up, Doc?, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, and, more recently, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, among others. This film did very well, but I think would have been just as successful with the perilous punctuation mark. Defenders will say the title is shorthand for â€Å"Find Out Who Framed Roger Rabbit,†but that requires logical contortions not even the rubber-limbed title character can manage. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:"Because Of" and "Due To" The Six Spellings of "Long E"List of Prefixes and Suffixes and their Meanings
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Business Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Business Law - Research Paper Example In the mid of 1970s, more than 400 companies of US origin having international footprints of were paying almost more than $300 million to different groups and individuals such as political parties, major politicians, ministers and the authorities that were holding power (Weiss 6). The renowned company, manufacturer of the world renowned fighter jet F-16 had paid personnel of foreign countries to show a tendency and preference for their product. In another investigation, it was reported that a famous company actually bribed the president of a foreign country, Honduras, to offer them discounted tax policy for their operations in that country. They give $2.5 million to the country’s president for a tax saving of around $7.5 million and another $750,000 to Italian official for allowing the import of the company’s products. When the president of Honduras raised the taxes, the chairman of the company was so depressed that he committed suicide. These were some important reason s which led to the making of this famous law which is now an essential for good corporate governance for any company. The act which was enacted by President Jimmy Carter was further amended in 1988 as the international anti-bribery law. Ethical Standing: Ethical behavior is strictly not a global standard at all. In some of the regions of the world, paying a bribe in terms of cash kickbacks and/or other tangible favours is still not considered an ethical or moral issue that can be termed as unlawful; rather it is just the ‘cost of doing business’ (Howell 1). The question here arises that should the bribe be paid or not. However, with globalization and emerging trade relationships ethics and corporate governance are gaining strong grounds. In most of the business schools, the faculty might be educating their future generations with adaptability and ways of working out with the situation. Mostly the reason they give of doing so is as they believe that the entire motive is the bottom line. So the fact that whether any particular business’s ethics should become accustomed to the local environment or become as a standard for its operations around the whole globe becomes a question mark in terms of ethics. Many of the business graduates and young managers give the argument, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." In simple words, we should follow local/host country’s practices and assimilate according to their businesses customs if we have to build a successful and sustainable business environment. In Harvard Business School, a termed coined by two leading faculty members of business ethics, Joseph Fletcher and James Adams, was "situational ethics," which was based on bendable and realistic approaches towards such complex business dilemmas (George 1). Perhaps, most business tycoons do follow it as well and that is why they have been very successful. The corrupt systems and politicians with big wide open mouths are ready to swallow dollars for each tiny task they can control. Foreign corrupt practices are an umbrella to guide the businesses when they start operating globally. When businessmen talk about the â€Å"business ethics†they typically refer to one of three aspects: Keep away from breach the ‘criminal law’ in their work-related activities Stay away from actions that might result in civil law suits against them or their businesses Avoid any
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