Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Legal Drinking Age 18 or 21 - 1770 Words
When someone turns 18 they acquire certain rights. They can vote for legislation, enroll in the military and buy a house. Before 1984, they were also allowed to buy alcohol. This all changed when President Reagan signed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984. This act stated that the drinking age would change to 21 and it has remained that way since. There has been controversy on the effectiveness of the law because most people drink before they turn 21. Which side is right? Was Reagan correct for implementing the drinking age as 21 or are the multiple college president and chancellors of Amethyst Initiative that believe it should be 18? Between the 1920’s and 1933 the use and purchase of alcohol was illegal. In 1933 when†¦show more content†¦Also, a drinking license would be issued to people who pass the final exam at the end of the 40-hour course (Lenek 1958). A new effort is also being made by the group called Amethyst Initiative, which was introduced by Choose Responsibility. One hundred and thirty five chancellors and college presidents have signed the Initiative to support a new way to prepare the youth for drinking. It’s no surprise that college students drink, college chancellors are not oblivious and want to prepare their students. The American Journal on Public Health stated, â€Å"College students are more likely to engage in heavy drinking than their peers who do not attend college. Two in five students nationally engaged in binge drinking on at least one occasion in the past two weeks†(Nelson 987). It’s a big problem in the United States. Colleges have started taking action toward helping students with alcohol education. As I enrolled into University of Massachusetts this semester, it was mandatory to take â€Å"My Student Body†which is an online course that taught basic facts about alcohol and marijuana. It had two parts; a survey that determined whether you were a light, medium or heavy drinker, and then there were information articles about alcohol that you were tested on later. It seems silly that there would be an alcohol survey for the incoming class if the drinking ageShow MoreRelatedMicroeconomics Essay- Suppose the Government Raises the Legal Drinking Age in the Uk from 18 to 21. Conduct an Economic Analysis of This Policy to Examine Its Impact on Affected Markets.1260 Words  | 6 PagesSuppose the government raises the legal drinking age in the UK from 18 to 21. Conduct an economic analysis of this policy to examine its impact on affected markets. With reference to the above statement, if the UK government were to increase the legal drinking age from 18 to 21 there are two markets that would mainly be affected- the producers, which is the alcohol industry as a whole and the consumers who are the UK citizens between the age of 18 and 21. 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